⚠️ After March 18, 2024, the FastStore documentation will be migrated to the Developer Portal. For more information, access the official release note.


Icons are simplified graphics used to represent concepts and help users navigate the UI.

This project has a set of icons that uses SVGs from Phosphor icons (opens in a new tab).


  <Icon name="ShoppingCart" weight="thin" width={32} height={32} />
  <Icon name="ShoppingCart" weight="light" />
  <Icon name="ShoppingCart" weight="regular" width={16} height={16} />
  <Icon name="ShoppingCart" weight="bold" width={20} height={20} />

note: default values for width and height is 24.


Import the component from @faststore/ui

import { Icon } from '@faststore/ui'

Import Styles into your FastStore project

To apply the styles of this component in your FastStore project, import the following into your stylesheet:

@import '@faststore/ui/src/components/atoms/Icon/styles.scsss';

Follow the instructions in the Importing FastStore UI component styles tutorial.


<Icon name="ShoppingCart" />


testIdstringID to find this component in testing tools (e.g.: cypress, testing library, and jest).fs-icon
name*stringSymbol id from element to render. Take a look at `/static/icons.svg`. Example: <Icon name="Bell" />
weight"thin" | "light" | "regular" | "bold"SVG weight. @deprecated 'weight' prop will be removed in the next major version.regular
widthnumberSVG width. @deprecated 'width' prop will be removed in the next major version. Use 'size' instead.'24'
heightnumberSVG height. @deprecated 'height' prop will be removed in the next major version. Use 'size' instead.'24'
size20 | 24 | 32SVG size.'20'

List of available icons


For further customization, you can use the following data attributes:
