⚠️ After March 18, 2024, the FastStore documentation will be migrated to the Developer Portal. For more information, access the official release note.

Search Input

The SearchInput is responsible to receive, search and display suggestions. This component is part of the Search feature.


Import the component from @faststore/ui

import { SearchInput } from '@faststore/ui'

Import Styles into your FastStore project

To apply the styles of this component in your FastStore project, import the following into your stylesheet:

@import '@faststore/ui/src/components/organisms/SearchInput/styles.scss';

Follow the instructions in the Importing FastStore UI component styles tutorial.



testIdstringID to find this component in testing tools (e.g.: cypress, testing library, and jest).fs-search-input
visibleDropdownfalse | trueThe current status of the Search Dropdown.
term*stringTerm to be researched.
isLoadingfalse | trueEnables a loading state.
terms*{ value: string; }[]List of Suggestion terms.
products*{}[]List of Suggested products.
onSearchSelection(term: string, path: string) => voidCallback function when a search term is selected.

Design Tokens

Local tokenDefault value/Global token linked

